2019 innovations in cardiothoracic surgery

Emiliano Navarra, Valérie Lacroix Published in the journal : February 2020 Category : Chirurgie cardio-thoracique

Minimally-invasive cardiothoracic surgery has been developed to reduce the invasiveness related to conventional cardiothoracic approaches. Robotic technologies, which are among the latest advances in minimally-invasive approaches, have been introduced to improve the operative surgical vision. This objective is achieved by means of extremely performant 3D cameras and full immersion set, enabling an extremely fine dexterity and wider degree of freedom. Using robotic technology, there is an improved comfort for the surgeon owing to improved console ergonomy, in comparison with other minimally-invasive techniques. Concerning thoracic surgery, robotic technologies are currently used to perform lung, lymph nodes, and mediastinal tumor resections.

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Recommendations of the European Society of Cardiology for diagnosis and management of chronic coronary disease

Agnès Pasquet Published in the journal : February 2020 Category : Cardiology

Coronary artery disease is one of the most prevalent diseases in cardiology, and patient care requires adapted treatment.

The new guidelines of the European Society of Cardiology regarding coronary artery disease present coronary artery disease as a continuum and propose a new protocol for its diagnosis or antithrombotic therapy

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Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome in a 13-year-old teenager

Marylou Lefèvre, Audrey Bulinck, Pierre-Paul Roquet-Gravy Published in the journal : January 2020 Category : Dermatology

Staphylococcal scaled skin syndrome (SSSS) is an exfoliating skin disease that predominantly affects newborns and young children. This infectious exanthema, characterized by superficial epidermis detachment, is due to Staphylococcus aureus infection excreting exfoliative toxins A and/or B. This case report illustrates the clinical signs of SSSS characterized by an erythrodermic and blistering skin rash with erythematous and oozing lesions in friction areas. The diagnosis of SSSS was clinically established. A positive evolution was observed under intravenous antibiotic treatment with flucloxacillin and clindamycin associated with movicol®, local care, and hydro-electric re-equilibration. We have addressed the physiopathology and differential diagnosis of SSSS, highlighting the relevance of early diagnosis.

Then, we have discussed guidelines about the treatment/management, and particularly the benefits of combining clindamycin and an osmotic laxative, infusion of fresh frozen plasma, or intravenous immunoglobulins in case of antibiotic resistance.

Key Words

Staphylococcal scaled skin syndrome (SSSS), exfoliative skin disease, adolescent, bullous, exfoliative toxins, clindamycin

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Acute interstitial nephritis under pembrolizumab treatment

Romain Dury, Valentin Van Den Bossche, Kim Vanderheyde, Sophie Jossart Published in the journal : January 2020 Category : Pneumology

Pembrolizumab is a humanized monoclonal antibody targeting the PD-1 receptor expressed on the surface of cytotoxic T lymphocytes. Along with other specific antibodies, it belongs to the class of immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI). Its use as monotherapy is particularly indicated in the first-line treatment of metastatic non-small-cell lung cancers (NSCLC) without oncogenic addition (ALK or EGFR mutations) and expressing the PD-L1 receptor at ≥50% on the surface of tumor cells, corresponding to a high tumor proportion score (TPS score), which has shown predictive of a better response to treatment (1) (2) (3). We have presented herein the case of a patient with a pembrolizumab-treated NSCLC complicated by acute interstitial nephritis (AIN) under pembrolizumab immunotherapy. Permanent discontinuation of pembrolizumab and treatment with intravenous corticosteroids enables us to gradually normalize the patient's renal function.

Nephritis is one of the rare potential undesirable effects associated with immunotherapy.

New toxicity profiles associated with immune checkpoint inhibitors require the reporting of any symptoms or biological abnormalities dedected during their use in order to initiate prompt management of these immunotherapy-related undesirable effects.

Key Words

Immunotherapy, acute interstitial nephritis, pembrolizumab, undesirable effects

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Geriatrics , the rise of a “young” discipline

Thibaud De Blauwe Published in the journal : January 2020 Category : Geriatry

Long before our time, the Egyptians, Greeks, and medieval scholars were already interested in the pathologies and other illnesses related to old age. In addition to a brief summary of the history of geriatrics, this article offers a reflection on the origin of this young discipline. Geriatrics took off quite rapidly, proposing innovations in the care of frail elderly patients and their relatives, creation of a care program, partnerships, as well as the integration of multidisciplinarity and interdisciplinarity. Many areas are still evolving, such as sarcopenia, frailty, or care of elderly patients within the emergency room, as well as optimization of elderly patient care at the hospital.

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Child and youth abuse, let's talk about it!

Maya Drachman, Emmanuel de Becker Published in the journal : January 2020 Category : Psychiatrie infanto-juvénile

Child and youth abuse is a societal as well as medical issue. Over time, its management has changed. As a physician, it is essential to recognize the clinical signs and know how to think and act in case of concern and suspicion. When a child describes acts of abuse, the physician must do everything in his power to provide him with help, while being bound by professional secrecy. The physician can break this secret in case of imminent, serious, and urgent risk endangering the child's life. Nowadays, it is known that child abuse has consequences for the adults of tomorrow and is associated with increased physical and psychological problems.

We propose guidelines for the care of abused children, taking into account the particularity of the Belgian system.

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Side effects of multiple myeloma treatments

Sarah Bailly, Sarah Amat, Catherine Percy, Thomas Gérard, Laurane Lallemand, Aline Munting, Marie-Christiane Vekemans Published in the journal : January 2020 Category : Hematology/Oncology

The prolonged use of new drugs such as proteasome inhibitors, immunomodulators, and monoclonal antibodies in the treatment of multiple myeloma is associated with adverse side effects that represent a daily challenge for physicians. We propose a series of recommendations based on clinical cases.

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New Type 2 diabetes treatments: cardiovascular safety/benefit and neproprotection

Martin Buysschaert, Benoit Buysschaert, Isabelle Paris, José Luis Medina, Michael Bergman, Vanessa Preumont Published in the journal : January 2020 Category : Diabétologie

Diabetic nephropathy is currently the leading cause of chronic end-stage renal disease, along with its clinical consequences. Its prevention implies multidisciplinary management based on strict control of blood glucose from diabetes onset, in addition to blood pressure control, primarily using ACE-I inhibitors or sartans. Recent clinical trials have demonstrated the cardiovascular security/benefits as well as nephroprotective effects of new classes of antihyperglycemic agents (DDP-4 inhibitors, GLP-1 agonists and SGLT-2 inhibitors), in addition to their well-established antihyperglycemic effects.

This paper aims to review the state of the art of diabetes-related cardiovascular and renal complication management.




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Combined utilization of peridural thoracic anesthesia und intravenous lidocain in preventing autonomic hyperreflexia in the peri-operative period

Audrey Foaleng Published in the journal : December 2019 Category : Anesthésie

A 50-year-old man with a complete medullary section at the old C6-C7 level and suspicion of autonomic hyperreflexia (HA) was assumed to benefit from cystectomy with Bricker-type non-continent urinary diversion. In addition to general anesthesia, thoracic epidural analgesia and intravenous lidocaine were used to prevent HA during the operative period, facilitating postoperative rehabilitation. The patient remained stable throughout the procedure, without any major problems postoperatively. Oral feeding was started on Day 3. The article describes the benefits of epidural analgesia and intravenous lidocaine for managing patients at risk for HA.

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Septic shock and pyomyositis in a 1-year-old boy caused by Panton-Valentine leukocidin-secreting Staphylococcus aureus

Julien Charlier (1), Astrid Haenecour (2), Dimitri Van der Linden (3) Published in the journal : December 2019 Category : Pediatrics

Pyomyositis is an acute bacterial infection involving one or multiple striated muscles, potentially leading to abscess formation. Albeit being uncommon, its consequences for the patient can be severe, even fatal. Primarily described in tropical countries, this condition may also occur in temperate regions. Its pathophysiology is still poorly understood. The initiating process could be a minor muscle traumatism followed by bacterial hematogenous colonization of the muscle. Generally, its clinical presentation is insidious and unspecific, its diagnosis being challenging for the clinician. Nevertheless, a rapid diagnosis allows an early antibiotherapy to be established and complications to be prevented. The cornerstone of pyomyositis diagnosis is magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), along with bacterial cultures from biological fluids. The main bacteria involved in this condition is Staphylococcus aureus (SA), while Panton-Valentine leucocidin (PVL) is a toxin secreted by SA. This toxin is reported to be a virulence factor in invasive SA infections, whereas its precise role is still controversial depending on the infection site. We herein present a case of pyomyositis caused by Panton-Valentine leukocidin-secreting SA, with abdominal wall involvement, in a 1-year-old boy from a tropical country who was spending his holiday in Belgium.

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