Use and abuse of tissue fillers in the field of urology

Walther Brochier, Greet Swinnen, Peter De Wil, Sam Ward Published in the journal : November 2020 Category : Clinical Report

Summary :

The injection of tissue fillers for esthetic purposes is considered a decade-old practice. In our urological practice, we are now seeing an increasing number of patients that have purposefully injected such fillers in order to increase penile girth. Nevertheless, particularly when done in non-professional settings or using low-quality products, this may lead to severe complications. These complications are mostly caused by the injections of silicone, which is a non-resorbable filler, unlike hyaluronic acid or autologous fat. We present herein the case report of a 37-year-old man treated in our department for preputial pain and swelling following silicone self-injections. We then continue with a literature review on the topic.

Key Words

Tissue fillers, silicone, penis, girth augmentation, surgical technique