Gabriela Gujda, Catherine Hubert, Tom Moreels, Julie Navez, Enrique Perez Cuadrado-Robles, Pierre-Henri DeprezPublished in the journal : November 2018Category : Mémoires de Recherche Clinique
Postoperative pancreatic fistula (POPF) is one of the most prevalent clinically relevant complications following partial pancreatic resection. Endoscopic approaches have proven successful, but the literature regarding the best route of drainage is scarce. Our study was aimed at comparing the efficacy and safety of transpapillary (endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography [ERCP]-based) and transmural (endoscopic ultrasound [EUS]-guided) endoscopic treatment of POPF occurring after distal pancreatectomy.
Adrienne Lejeune(1,2), Peter Stärkel(1,2), Alexandre Louvet(3), Axel Hittelet(4), Céline Bazille(5), Boris Bastens(6), Hans Orlent(7), Luc Lasser(8), Xavier Dekoninck(9), Sergio Negrin Dastis(10), Jean Delwaide(11), Anja Geerts(12), et al.Published in the journal : November 2018Category : Mémoires de Recherche Clinique
The role of liver progenitor cells (LPCs), which are known as severity markers in chronic liver diseases, remains poorly understood, as is the impact of macrophages on liver regeneration. We aimed to characterize these cell populations in severe alcoholic steatohepatitis (ASH) and determine whether their activation could be considered as a good prognostic factor.
Gestational diabetes is a much debated condition in the medical world, and many studies carried out recently yielded divergent results as to the utility of the new screening criteria issued by the International Association of Diabetes and Pregnancy Study Group (IADSPG). The prevalence of diabetes has significantly increased over the past few years. This study’s aim was to clarify whether treating patients with "mild" gestational diabetes is beneficial.
Pauline Sambon(1,2), Amandine Everard(3,4), Xavier Stephenne(1,2), Françoise Smets(1,2), Isabelle Scheers(1,2), Mina Komuta(5,6), Giulio G. Muccioli(7), Patrice D. Cani(3,4), Etienne Sokal(1,2)Published in the journal : November 2018Category : Mémoires de Recherche Clinique
The concurrent occurrence of autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) and primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) is referred to as AIH/PSC overlap syndrome or autoimmune sclerosing cholangitis (ASC) in children. Though not evidence-based, it is standard practice to treat the AIH component with corticosteroids (CS) and azathioprine, and the PSC component with ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA). Antibiotics (AB) are increasingly being reported to have favorable effects in PSC, but their role in ASC is poorly evaluated. We retrospectively investigated the response to oral ABs as initial or rescue therapy in ASC children. A historical control group included ASC patients receiving the recommended treatment. We prospectively analyzed the gut microbiota and serum bile acid (BA) profile before and after AB therapy in children with either ASC or PSC alone, and evaluated whether changes in gut microbiota and/or BAs correlated with the therapeutic response.
Gastrointestinal endoscopic procedures have evolved significantly in the last 50 years, thereby revolutionizing the diagnosis and treatment of gastroenterological diseases. Although using the body’s natural openings to access the region of interest skillfully bypasses disruption of superficial tissues or muscular planes, endoscopy remains an invasive technical procedure, which is thus associated with risks and complications. As a part of every quality program in medicine, tracking adverse events represents a quality indicator, which has been widely accepted as a monitoring measure. This study’s aim was to elaborate a practical system for reporting the endoscopic procedure-associated adverse events occurring in the department of gastroenterology of the Saint-Luc University Hospital.
Non-functioning pituitary macroadenomas (NFPA) are supracentimetric adenomas whose main symptoms (visual impairment, pituitary insufficiency, headaches) are caused by the compression of adjacent anatomical structures. NFPA are mostly treated by transsphenoidal tumor resection in order to correct or avoid symptoms caused by mass effects. Limited data are available regarding the evolution of pituitary functions following surgery.
Immune checkpoint inhibitors have revolutionized the treatment of metastatic melanoma, with a survival now reaching several years in some patients. The anti-PD-1 monoclonal antibodies nivolumab and pembrolizumab increase both the quality of life and overall survival of metastatic melanoma patients. They are currently the first-line treatment for metastatic melanoma. However, only 40% of patients respond to anti- PD-1 monotherapy. In the era of personalized medicine, it has become essential to identify those patients who will benefit from these treatments that are, by the way, responsible for rare but serious adverse events. We tested several immunohistochemical markers in order to discriminate between responders and nonresponders.
Melanoma is associated with a high risk of recurrence and new primaries. A lifelong follow-up is thus recommended. This study was aimed at identifying the factors that could influence the patient’s compliance with dermatological and oncological follow-up.
A growing number of hospitals decided to completely abandon latex in order to avoid IgE-mediated allergic reactions (which can lead to anaphylaxis), as was the case for the Saint-Luc University Clinics in December 2010 (a premiere in Belgium). This measure concerns more than 300,000 pairs of sterile gloves per year. Since then, many caregivers who had been working for years without experiencing any allergic reaction developed contact dermatitis with the new gloves. The main allergens involved are vulcanization accelerators.
Bariatric surgery offers rapid and massive weight loss, but can leave the body with a substantial amount of excess skin. Excess skin may have both physical and psychological consequences, including distortions of body image and skin problems, such as irritation. Body contouring performed for cosmetic purposes, or after weight loss, has the potential to improve one’s body image and health-related quality of life (HRQOL). Many studies have shown the interest of measuring this improvement using generic instruments. Unfortunately, these tools were not specifically designed for body contouring surgery, thus highlighting the lack of dedicated PRO instruments for measuring outcomes after body contouring surgery.