Management of patients with COVID-19-related respiratory failure at the intensive care unit

C. Collienne, D. Castanares-Zapatero, M. Apraxine, C. Beauloye, A. Capes, T. Castelein, C. Debaille, M. Dechamps, L. Gérard, P. Hantson, L-M. Jacquet , V. Montiel, S Pierard, J. Pinto Peireira, A. Robert, O. Van Caenegem, A. Wiart, P-F. Laterre, X. Witteb Published in the journal : May 2020 Category : Intensive Care

During the COVID-19 pandemic, many patients have been admitted to intensive care units, thereby highlighting the work of a medical specialty that is often little or poorly known to the public. In these patients, respiratory failure, falling within the definition of acute respiratory distress syndrome, had to be managed using non-invasive and invasive oxygenation and ventilation techniques, and in the most severe cases, using extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. These heavy treatments, combined with complicated mobilization techniques (prone position) and other usual intensive care treatments, had to be delivered simultaneously to a large number of patients with a guarded prognosis, which has put under significant pressure the bedside care teams.

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