A 360-degree overview of the effects of alcohol consumption

Pauline Gérard, Thomas Calozet, Léo Moreau, Audrey Bonnelance, Thomas Orban Published in the journal : March 2023 Category : Médecine Générale

Summary :

Report of the RESUMES symposium of 21/01/2023

This article summarizes the most relevant messages shared during the annual RESUMES asbl (Multidisciplinary Network for Scientific Exchange) symposium on alcohol consumption. This theme was addressed through 12 disciplines, such as gastroenterology, gynecology, internal medicine, general medicine, etc.

Considering that at least 25% of the population consumes alcohol in a risky or even excessive way, each health professional is regularly confronted with the consequences of alcohol consumption, which this article attempts to review in its multiple dimensions and in a practical way.

Key Words

Alcohol, alcohol misuse, addiction, dependence, multidisciplinarity, interdisciplinarity